I would like to think their sacrifice will not be in vain.
Heroes Remember
I would like to think their sacrifice will not be in vain.
Show our appreciation for the country we live in, and that means
doing whatever is necessary. Because there’s been a lot of
people that have paid a price so that you and I can sit and
drink our beer. And I would like to think that their sacrifice
will not be in vain. And that, and if I have to go again, I’ll
go again, but I may be too old. I guess it could be better
explained by an Armistice Day parade that we had in Toronto with
the ship’s company from HMCS York. And as senior service, the
navy was at the head of the parade. And right behind us was the
48th Highlander Pipe Band. And my mother happened to be
watching and she said it was the most moving site she had ever
seen. To see those men all marching in step … up Yonge, up Bay
Street towards the cenotaph. She said because she knew what was
going to happen to a lot of them, and it made her cry. And it
brings tears to my eye when I think of how true she was. And I
guess that’s where I feel the pride of being able to do
something when it was necessary. And I have pictures of all the
family who served in World War I and World War II. And they are
on my wall and that’s where I spend my Armistice Day, is with
them. Thinking about them, reading poetry and I think the poem
that had the greatest impact on me was the poem by
Robert Service, entitled ‘The Parade of the Dead’.
And if you never read that one, read it!
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