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The Highland Light Infantry (Part 1 of 3)

Heroes Remember

The Highland Light Infantry (Part 1 of 3)

The one about the infantry, though, this was during the Battle of the Hockwalt that all this happened cause we had fired a number of barrages in there. You've seen my photographs with a pile of empty cartridges there. Well, that was just after that,

Mr. Field posing with another soldier among empty cartridges.

and, or during it and anyway, we had these houses, there was a row of houses, you can see them in the back of that photograph, and we were in the basement sleeping on straw, and whatever, and there was space there, and when they brought the infantry back, they said to us, "We're gonna bring the infantry back, you know, the Highland Light Infantry Regiment, and they'll be coming back sometime this afternoon. Would you guys make your place ready, make room for them because, you know, they're badly shot up and they need a rest. So, and help them out, you know kind of thing." And they geared our mess up for them and the whole thing, you know, the mess trucks. And, so, anyways, towards late in the afternoon, well actually, it was dusk, almost dusk, we heard these bagpipes, first I heard a bagpipe, you know, way in the distance. And there is still this mortars going and shells going, not heavily, but sputtering, you know. And we heard this bagpipe, it was really eerie, long way in the distance, you know, and, way over there somewhere, you know, to the east, let's say. And then we heard another one, way to the west. So this, these houses were on a road, you know, they were going down to a crossroads and down at the crossroads there was a Canadian temporary war cemetery. Like, they were burying the dead guys there temporarily and on the other side was a German prisoner of war cage, just, just a fence, you know, but guarded.

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