Friends After The War
Heroes Remember
Friends After The War
Funny I was looking through a book this morning that I just got
from... from you people? No, I guess from the association.
And I was (inaudible) through it and here's a kid I know,
and I can't think of his name but there he is. I went to
Florence, "Should I know this face?" and she said, "No."
Well he was with the other regiment. The reason I'm telling you
this is that my eyesight, I had gone through it and had been
cleared. I went to the hospital, not the one in the camp
because that was absolutely terrible, I can't describe it.
I was at another hospital and this kid came up there and he
was blind and, Ken Chestner was his name, and I told him,
"Look now, you're going to be alright." I was bunking with him
and on the same row sheet, row of cots, and he phoned me
from Chicoutimi, Quebec, and I wasn't home and he talked
to my son and he said "Look, your dad saved my life."
I was telling him, mentioning my friend Ken Chestner that had,
was going blind and they'd come up the same hospital that I
was in, Boneroad hospital. I assured him that he was going
to be alright you know it will come back. It took him quite
a long time to get that way but he phoned me from Quebec and
my son answered the phone, I was out of town, and he told Mike,
my son, that "Your dad saved my life". And then he explained
to him that he couldn't see and he was so worried about it.
Interviewer: Did your son know what he was talking about?
Well I guessed somewhat.
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