A Dangerous Moonlit Ride
Heroes Remember
A Dangerous Moonlit Ride
One night this Gotha Bomber, it was a bright
moonlight night and the road was white
and I was riding up there and you could
hear this plane flying around and they took
a few pot shots at me with a machine gun
and nothing happened and I just kept on
riding and I think they followed me right
in to see where I was going.
It was a bright moonlight night and the
roads were all white and everything and
they were throwing a shadow right
across the road and they could see that
shadow and I think they followed me right
into the town and when I got there the plane
was still flying around and I said to some guy.
I got off the horse to deliver my bag and
asked him, “Here, hold the horse while I listen,”
and right then the bombs started coming down
and they heard a noise behind me and
the horse was following me down the
stairs into a cellar.
He wanted to be where I was.
You know, a horse, a rider and a horse
they get to be pals, you know.
And I came out of there, I waited until the
bombs were all over and I waited a few
minutes and then I started down the road
and I don't know whether they could spot
me on the road again but anyway a shell
landed in a ditch about fifteen feet in
front of me and there was a limber wagon,
that's just a front half of a wagon with
two wheels and the team and everything
coming towards me this way and
the shell landed right beside them and
I think somebody on that, one of these
fellows was hit with it.
Anyway, the team ran away and
I was right in their way there,
I nearly got run down by the team and
then they put three or four more shells in
there and then when they quit,
I went on about my chores.
These are the kind of things, you see,
you couldn't say you were
safe any place, anytime.
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