The Pony Express
Heroes Remember
The Pony Express
Delivering dispatches too and picked up
dispatches and go about a mile to the
left and get the... these are brigade
headquarters, the three brigades in the
division and I had to go to each one of those
three brigades and we went to go to the
center one which was on the main road,
Courcelette, I think was the name of the place.
And then you go a mile or so more over
here to another brigade and then two miles
back this way to another brigade and
then come back and go up here.
It was about a... and we did this three
times a day but there was two of us.
We took turns. So one day and each one
of these things would be about fourteen miles
so one day you did fourteen miles and the
other day you did twenty-eight miles on horse back.
That only lasted several weeks but
that was the most enjoyable thing that
I did in all the time I was in the army.
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