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Rat extermination

Heroes Remember

The Germans, they had a thing there, they had a piece of sheet iron like that sunk into the ground and there was just room for two people to crawl in underneath that. They were down below ground level and it would take a direct hit from someone to get ya if you were there and another fellow and I grabbed, got in there and we weren't there for more than an hour or two and there was a rat walking over my face. That wasn't the kind of thing you enjoyed so in the morning I began looking around and where the iron came down like this and here was a rat hole under one side at the end of it. So it just happened that there was a lot of shrapnel shells, the cordite exploded, drove the shells, you see, and cordite would burn but when you confine it, it will explode. There was some of this lying around there so I got some of this and I experimented and got three or four pieces of cordite and put it in the hole there and let it burn and finally I took a whole big handful like that and I put that in the hole and left one piece out and shoved the casing of the shell on top of it and then I touched off the one remaining piece and I had flames coming out of the ground thirty and forty feet away and also rats and it was the most peculiar thing but a fox terrier turned up and killed all those rats. I never saw the dog before or afterwards. I don't know where he came from or how he got there but he put three or four great big fat rats, he killed as they came out, when the flames got shooting there and I expect there were a lot of young rats in there and everything else underneath it. It all get burned and everything. Anyway, that was the end of the rats. We didn't have anymore rats and I slept in that hole for some weeks, I think.

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