Research Papers

Please note that applied health research is generally only available in the language in which it was originally prepared. These reports have been made available to policy and decision makers to facilitate improved uptake and knowledge exchange, and to aid in the process of evidence-based decision making. All research summaries, where available, have been translated.

For copies of full reports, contact the Research Directorate of Veterans Affairs Canada.


An inventory of survey data sources describing the health and well-being of Canadian Veterans and military personnel

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • 2023

    Female Veterans’ Risk Factors for Homelessness: A Scoping Review

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Well-being of Veterans with chronic pain with fewer activities limited by pain: Life After Service Studies 2019 survey

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • International perspective on military exposure data sources, applications, and opportunities for collaboration

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging: A Vehicle for Research on Aging in Older Veterans

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Investigating Factors Associated with Medicinal Cannabis use Among Military Veterans

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • 2022

    Annotated Bibliography: An Overview of Publications by the Veterans Affairs Canada Research Directorate (1992-2021):Evidence to Support the Well-being of Veterans and their Families

  • Full Report
  • Characteristics, Institutional Behaviour, and Post-release Outcomes of federal Veteran and non-Veteran Men Offenders

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Lessons Learned From Presumptive Condition Lists in Veteran Compensation Systems

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Well-Being of Canadian Veterans during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-Sectional Results from the COVID-19 Veteran Well-Being Study

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • 2021

    Working Together to Address Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Characteristics of Canadian Veterans Reimbursed for Cannabis for Medical Purposes - Life After Service Survey 2016

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Lifetime Prevalence and Comorbidity of Mental Disorders in the Two-wave 2002-2018 Canadian Armed Forces Members and Veterans Mental Health Follow-up Survey

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Correlates of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Veterans in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Cluster Analysis of Canadian Armed Forces Veterans Living with Chronic Pain – Life After Service Studies 2016

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Mental Health of Canadian Veterans of the Reserve Force

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Pre- and Post-Release Income of Regular Force Veterans: Life After Service Studies 2019

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Identifying release-related precursors to suicide among Canadian Veterans between 1976 and 2012

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Health Care Access and Use Among Male and Female Veterans Canadian Armed Forces Compared to the Canadian Population

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • 2020

    Longitudinal Qualitative Study on the Health and Well-being of Military Veterans during Military to Civilian Transition

  • Overview
  • Summary
  • Well-Being of Canadian Regular Force Veterans: Findings from LASS 2019 Survey

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Characterization of occupational, demographic and health determinants in Canadian reservists veterans and the relationship with poor self-rated health

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Comparing negative health indicators in male and female veterans to the Canadian general population

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Considering exposure assessment in epidemiological studies of chronic health in military populations

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • 2019

    Measuring Veteran well-being

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Info Brief
  • 2019 Veteran Suicide Mortality Study

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • News Release
  • Financial Security Among Veterans in Canada

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Info Brief
  • 2019 Gulf War Mortality Report: Follow-up period 1991 to 2014

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Life course well-being framework for suicide prevention in Canadian Armed Forces Veterans

  • Full Paper
  • Group identity, difficult adjustment to civilian life, and suicidal ideation in Canadian Armed Forces Veterans: Life After Service Studies 2016

  • Full Paper
  • Veteran Income and Employment Policies in Canada

  • Full Paper
  • Labour Market Outcomes of Veterans

  • Summary
  • Full Paper
  • Burden of Cancer Mortality in the Canadian Armed Forces

  • Full Paper
  • Examining the Incomes of Veterans using Tax Data: Now and in the Future

  • Full Paper
  • 2018

    2018 Veteran Suicide Mortality Study

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Veterans in Canada released since 1998 : a sex-disaggregated profile

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Info Brief
  • Pre- and Post-Release Income: Life After Service Studies 2016

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Reflections on Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Injured Service Members and Veterans from a Bio-Psychosocial-Spiritual Perspective

  • Full Paper
  • The Canadian Forces Cancer and Mortality Study II: a Longitudinal Record-Linkage Study Protocol

  • Full Report
  • Understanding Future Needs of Canadian Veterans

  • Full Paper
  • Veteran Suicide Mortality in Canada from 1976 to 2012

  • Full Paper
  • Factors Associated with Work Satisfaction Among Veterans

  • Full Paper
  • Overall Mortality of Canadian Armed Forces Personnel Enrolled 1976–2012

  • Full Paper
  • 2017

    2017 Veteran Suicide Mortality Study (1976 to 2012)

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Info Brief
  • Composite Measure of Mental Health Problems in Canadian Armed Forces Veterans – 2013 Life After Service Survey

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Life After Service Survey 2016

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Info Brief
  • Self-Assessment of Need for Assistance with Transition to Civilian Life: Development of the Road to Civilian Life (R2CL) Transition Checklist

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Veterans’ Identities and Well-being in Transition to Civilian Life – A Resource for Policy Analysts, Program Designers, Service Providers and Researchers

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Info Brief
  • 2016

    A Well-Being Construct for Veterans’ Policy, Programming and Research

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Differences in Adjustment to Civilian Life between Male and Female Canadian Armed Forces Veterans

  • Full Paper
  • Correlates of Mental Health Problems in Canadian Armed Forces Veterans – 2013 Life After Service Survey

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Mental Health of Canadian Armed Forces Veterans: Review of Population Studies

  • Full Paper
  • Prevalence of Hearing Problems in Canadian Armed Forces Veterans – Life After Service Studies

  • Full Paper
  • Info Brief
  • Screening Questions to Identify Canadian Veterans

  • Full Paper
  • 2015

    Fast Facts on Veterans’ transition experiences

  • Full Paper
  • Impact of a Housing First Intervention on Homeless Veterans with Mental Illness: A Canadian Multisite Randomized Control Trial

  • Full Paper
  • Multivariate Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life in Canadian Armed Forces Veterans after Transition to Civilian Life

  • Full Paper
  • Mental Health Findings from the 2013 Life After Service Survey

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Profile of Personnel Deployed to Afghanistan

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Research on Military/Veteran Families

  • Summary
  • Full Report
  • Research Summary / December 2019

  • Summary
  • Rationale and Methodology of the 2018 Canadian Armed Forces Members and Veterans Mental Health Follow-up Survey (CAFVMHS): A 16-year Follow-up Survey

  • Summary
  • Full Paper