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Fighting for 2SLGBTQI+ rights in the Canadian military


Youth will gain a greater awareness of human rights in Canada and an understanding of some of the serious discrimination that 2SLGBTQI+ people have experienced while serving in uniform over the years. They will use this new knowledge to create an activity or artwork recognizing the service of 2SLGBTQI+ Veterans.


Through this activity, youth will:

  • recognize and appreciate the importance of human rights;
  • develop an understanding of the discrimination that many members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community have faced when serving in the Canadian military; and
  • develop an understanding of the meaning and symbolism of the Canada Pride Citation.

Important note

Some of the information shared in this lesson plan includes details about traumatic events that may be upsetting for some people. It is recommended that you review the text and videos to gauge if they are appropriate to use in your classroom.

Refer to your province’s tools for supporting difficult discussions and curriculum guidance for teaching about sex, gender and related topics.

Target audience

This activity is suitable for ages 13-15.

Sequence of events and anticipated time frame (approximately 90 minutes)

*This activity can be modified to fit available class time.

  • Introductory discussion: Human rights and the fight for 2SLGBTQI+ rights in the Canadian military (30 minutes)
  • Deeper understanding: Exploring first person stories from 2SLGBTQI+ military members who experienced prejudice (30 - 45 minutes).
  • Recognition activity: Create your own 2SLGBTQI+ military service commemorative design or other way of honouring their service and sacrifice (variable time requirements).



For most of Canada’s history, the military officially barred members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community from serving in uniform. This legacy of discrimination meant most of their stories were deeply buried. Recent research has brought more of these inspiring and heartbreaking stories to light. Before beginning this lesson, you may wish to explore our Pride in Service web feature for context. It includes an overview of 2SLGBTQI+ service as well as profiles of members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community who have served across Canada’s military history.

We also have a PowerPoint with information on the service and struggle of 2SLGBTQI+ Canadians in uniform over the years that you can show to students.


When discussing 2SLGBTQI+ people with students, the following definitions may be helpful:

  • 2S - Two-Spirit (2S) is a term used in some Indigenous communities for a cultural, spiritual, sexual and gender identity. The term reflects Indigenous understandings of gender roles, spirituality, and the long history of sexual and gender diversity in Indigenous cultures.
  • L - Lesbian refers to women who are attracted to other women.
  • G - Gay refers to people who are attracted to individuals of the same gender (commonly used when referring to men).
  • B - Bisexual refers to individuals who are attracted to two or more genders (like men, women, non-binary).
  • T - Transgender refers to people who do not identify as the assigned sex with which they were identified at birth.
  • Q - Queer is a reclaimed word used by some people to describe any sexual orientation or gender identity that might fall outside of straight and/or cisgender. It can also be used as an inclusive term for all 2SLGBTQI+ people.
  • I - Intersex is a term for people born with, or who develop, sex characteristics that are different from the binary ideas of “male” or “female.”
  • + - Because there are so many different identities that involve gender, sexuality and communities, the “plus” is an effort to make sure that everyone feels included. For example, asexual refers to people who do not experience sexual attraction towards others. Aromantic describes people who do not experience romantic attraction. Agender, also known as “genderless,” means not identifying with any gender.
CAF Pride Flag

Introductory discussion [30 minutes]

Exploring human rights

Lead a discussion with your students about human rights. Share The Convention on the Rights of the Child in youth-friendly language and explore it together.

Articles in the convention that you might wish to highlight include:

  • Article 12 states that you have the right to your own opinion.
  • Article 16 states that you have the right to privacy.
  • Article 28 states that you have the right to a good quality education.
  • Article 31 states that you have the right to play and rest.
  • Article 2 states that “no child should be treated unfairly on any basis. Children should not be discriminated against based on their race, religion or abilities; what they think or say; the type of family they come from; where they live, what language they speak, what their parents do, what gender they identify with, what their culture is, whether they have a disability or whether they are rich or poor.”

Looking for more information?

Explore the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and laws against discrimination in Canada using Our country, our Parliament: an introduction to how Canada’s Parliament works and the Canadian Human Rights Act.

Discuss students’ opinions about human rights. Some specific questions you might wish to explore include:

  • Why do we have human rights?
  • Why is gender and sexuality singled out as a way to discriminate against someone?
  • What are some reasons behind treating one group in a different way than another? Are there ever any valid reasons? [This can be an opportunity to talk about concepts like affirmative action.]
  • Why is it important that everyone is treated fairly, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation?

Making connections to 2SLGBTQI+

Next, help your students connect your discussion of human rights to challenges faced by the 2SLGBTQI+ community.

Ask students if they know of anyone who has stood up for 2SLGBTQI+ rights. What can people do to fight discrimination? How have some groups that have faced discrimination had to defend their human rights? To help constructively guide this discussion, refer to specialized resources offered by your school, school board or provincial Department of Education.

Fighting for 2SLGBTQI+ rights in the Canadian military

Lead a class discussion on the service and sacrifice of 2SLGBTQI+ Canadians across our country’s military history. Begin by sharing our PowerPoint presentation 2SLGBTQI+ Canadians in uniform. It includes speaking notes with details on some of the specific challenges these brave individuals have faced. It also helps students understand the difficult path members of that community followed to force changes to the military’s unjust policies.

For deeper understanding - exploring first person stories [30 minutes]

Michelle Douglas

Michelle Douglas

Explain to students that the class will move from exploring the broader history of this topic to hearing the stories of two people who were wrongfully pushed out of the Canadian Armed Forces because of their sexual orientation. Inspirationally, they both stood up and fought successfully for 2SLGBTQI+ rights and equality.

As a class, watch the video: “Women in Canadian History: Michelle Douglas” (14 minutes 40 seconds).

Following the video, ask students to read the story of Métis Veteran Todd Ross: “Todd Ross: Success in spite of the harassment”

Todd Ross

Todd Ross

Explain to your students that the official discriminatory policies Michelle Douglas and Todd Ross experienced are no longer in place in the Canadian Armed Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted police or the federal public service. Through their commitment to a better Canada, 2SLGBTQI+ people fought, survived and helped transform Canadian society.

Discuss with students the experiences of these two individuals. Here are some questions you might explore:

  • What surprised students about their stories?
  • Both Michelle Douglas and Todd Ross speak about how the experience of being discriminated against changed them. They also talk about how they wanted to be represented in their “military families.” Is being included or represented something students think about in their own lives? Why is it important to feel included?
  • Why was it important for the Prime Minister and the Government of Canada to acknowledge the wrongdoing?
  • Michelle Douglas mentions that young people have “a boundless commitment to a better Canada.” What are young people doing now to prevent this kind of discrimination and other kinds of unfair treatment? Can the class think of any examples of students advocating for change?
  • Do students feel that the changes in policy, compensation and the delivery of an apology fixed this issue? What role do students think they can play now or will play in the future to create and sustain change?

Some student questions, thoughts and reflections could be spurred by reading this excerpt from the formal apology by the Government of Canada in 2017:

“For the oppression of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and two-spirit communities, we apologize. On behalf of the government, Parliament, and the people of Canada: We were wrong. We are sorry. And we will never let this happen again.” - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, House of Commons, Ottawa, 28 November 2017

Trudeau apology

Formal apology by the Government of Canada in 2017

Recognition activity: Honouring 2SLGBTQI+ Veterans [30 minutes]

2SLGBTQI+ Monument

2SLGBTQI+ Monument

Along with an official apology, individuals impacted by the LGBT Purge were offered other recognition. They were able to apply for a compensation package. The LGBT Purge Fund, a not-for-profit organization, was set up to manage some of the funds allocated for reconciliation. It continues to document and share the stories of Purge survivors.

The Purge Fund is also engaging in other efforts to acknowledge the historic discrimination experienced by 2SLGBTQI+ communities through initiatives like a new 2SLGBTQI+ National Memorial in Ottawa. It will honour the historic discrimination against 2SLGBTQI+ people in Canada, including those who served in the military. The design, called Thunderhead, draws on the symbolism of a thunderhead cloud, which embodies the strength, activism and hope of 2SLGBTQI+ communities. The memorial will include elements like mirrored tiles, a landscaped park tracing the history of 2SLGBTQI+ people in Canada, and a healing circle. View concept images and a video about the memorial.

Canada Pride Citation

Canada Pride Citation

In 2018, the Government of Canada created the Canada Pride Citation. It honours the achievements, sacrifices and resilience of members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community who have served our country over the years. Provide students with the Canada Pride Citation handout explaining the symbolism and colours used.

Remind students that remembrance and commemoration is about honouring everyone who served and sacrificed on behalf of Canada. There is no doubt that many members of the military who died in past conflicts were members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community, even if they weren’t able to publicly express it. Also, sacrifice comes in many forms. Those who experienced discrimination while doing their jobs or who were dismissed because of their sexuality or gender identity suffered greatly.

Ask students to consider how important it is for people to feel seen and recognized. Your discussion should consider questions like:

  • What are the benefits of feeling recognized? What negative results might happen in your life if you don’t feel recognized? This is a good opportunity to talk about the importance of recognition to mental health for Veterans and for everyone. It can be linked to the general importance of Pride events.
  • What things make students feel recognized as individuals (e.g. awards at school, trophies in sports, etc.)?
  • What are ways a community or country might recognize people or an important historical event (e.g. awards like the Junos or Oscars, the Order of Canada, building a statue or memorial, painting a mural, naming a place after someone, wearing a pin to show support, etc.)?
  • Thinking generally, what symbols or actions do we use to remember and recognize Veterans and people who have died in service (e.g. wearing a poppy, attending a remembrance ceremony, observing two minutes of silence, etc.)?
  • How can we recognize members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community who served in the military?

Recognition and remembrance aren’t just things we think about, they are things we do. Ask students to use the Canada Pride Citation and the 2SLGBTQI+ National Memorial as inspiration for their own recognition activity. Their goal is to help Veterans who are members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community feel recognized. It may be a small action or a major project — the sky is the limit!

If students have difficulty thinking of activities, here are a few you could suggest to get them started:

  • Create a piece of artwork. It could be a class mural or individual drawings and designs that include symbols of remembrance and 2SLGBTQI+ symbolism and colours.
  • Create a pin you can wear along with your poppy during Veterans’ Week as a sign that you remember and recognize 2SLGBTQI+ Veterans.
  • Research the stories of 2SLGBTQI+ Veterans and share them with the class or your school (see the Pride in service web feature for stories from across Canada’s military history).
  • Lay a wreath during your school or community’s Remembrance Day ceremony for members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community who died in service to Canada.
  • Fold peace cranes using coloured paper matching the palette found in the Canada Pride Citation for an explanation of 2SLGBTQI+ colour symbolism (visit our website for crane folding instructions). Hang them in your classroom or display them at a ceremony.
  • Write notes of thanks on one of our free Recognition Cards and give them to a 2SLGBTQI+ Veteran in your community. If you don’t know one, send them to Veterans Affairs Canada and we will ensure they are delivered. Alternately, you could hang them in the school hallway for other students and visitors to read and reflect on.

    Recognition cards for 2SLGBTQI+ Veterans
    Veterans Affairs Canada
    Commemoration, Distribution Unit
    125 Maple Hills Ave.
    Charlottetown, PE C1C 0B6

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