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2919 results returned within branch Army
Support for Soldiers Returning Home

Support for Soldiers Returning Home

Mr. Wiseman provides his opinion to the support for military soldiers returning home and how his wife recognized and supported his emotional needs.

Bothered by the Sound of Crying

Bothered by the Sound of Crying

Mr. Wiseman tells of being on guard patrol, hearing the sound of crying, yet not being able to assist because of a mother’s fear of the soldier’s presence

Living Like the Refugees

Living Like the Refugees

Mr. Wiseman shares his realization of how the military service in Bosnia effected himself and his family when returning home.

Playing Tricks for Fun

Playing Tricks for Fun

Mr. Wiseman shares a funny story of how he tricked a fellow soldier when buying bread from the locals.



Mr. Toney describes the lingering emotional scars left by his military service and a unique way of coping with bad memories when they start to overwhelm him.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Mr. Toney discusses the meaning of Remembrance Day for him and encourages others to explore the significance of the poppy and of the Armistice.

Understand War

Understand War

Mr. Toney offers a message for youth to read about and understand what war is and if you enlist, do so for the right reasons.

German Death Camp

German Death Camp

Mr. Toney describes visiting a German death camp and the horrific things he witnessed.

War Motorcycles

War Motorcycles

Mr. Toney describes how hard he and the war were on motorcycles.

Humans weren’t the only enemy.

Humans weren’t the only enemy.

Mr. Bowen describes his rather humorous rescue of a buddy from a boa constrictor.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Mr. Bowen describes the emotional impact that Remembrance Day has on him and discusses how the war robbed him of his youth.

War is inevitable.

War is inevitable.

Mr. Bowen talks about ongoing conflict and its inevitability.

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