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2919 results returned within branch Army
Army officers are versatile.

Army officers are versatile.

Mr. Bowen offers his perspectives on how being an Army officer helped shape his attitudes and abilities

Peacekeeping in Cyprus

Peacekeeping in Cyprus

Mr. Bowen offers his opinion on being called a ‘peacekeeper’ and goes on to describe patrolling Cyprus’ Green Line, which divided the Turks and Greeks.

Recovering the dead

Recovering the dead

Mr. Bowen discusses the fact that the Chinese would set ambushes for stretcher bearers attempting to recover the dead, and would sometimes booby-trap the corpses.

War isn’t always honourable.

War isn’t always honourable.

Mr. Bowen describes his role setting booby traps for the enemy. He describes in detail eliminating an enemy stronghold on a hill nicknamed ‘Guerty’.

Korea was a different war.

Korea was a different war.

Mr. Bowen describes general conditions in the Korean war zone, and the overwhelming numerical superiority of the Chinese.

Becoming a paratrooper

Becoming a paratrooper

Mr. Bowen discusses in detail the physical training necessary to become a paratrooper, and describes the emotional turmoil that sometimes resulted from jumping out of an aircraft.

Forward Observation Posts

Forward Observation Posts

Mr. Taylor describes joining the Royal Twenty Second Regiment (Vandoos) as a wireless operator, and describes the workings of a forward observation post.

Reflections on Peacekeeping

Reflections on Peacekeeping

Mr. Dubinski discusses the need for proper support and equipment for our peacekeepers. He applauds Canada’s firm but compassionate approach to intervention.



Mr. Dubinski describes teletype communications and the importance of the military’s communications infrastructure.

An Army of Amateurs

An Army of Amateurs

Mr. Dubinski discusses Congolese “armies” being led by uneducated low ranking leaders.

The Jeunesse, Congo’s Youth Army

The Jeunesse, Congo’s Youth Army

Mr. Dubinski describes random acts of violence at the hands of the Jeunesse, Congo’s Youth Army. He feels that although his mission helped calm civil unrest, the hiatus was temporary.

Impressions of Leopoldville, Congo

Impressions of Leopoldville, Congo

Mr. Dubinski describes the impact of the Belgiques being expelled from the Congo and in particular, from its capitol city Leopoldville.

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