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2919 results returned within branch Army
First Day In Rwanda

First Day In Rwanda

Mr. Deveau provides detail of his arrival in Rwanda and what was witnessed by our military.

The Locals Attitude Towards Women

The Locals Attitude Towards Women

Mr. Deveau speaks about some incidents of the local people and their disrespect and inappropriate requests towards female soldiers.

Little Communication with Family

Little Communication with Family

Thinking about some of the worst aspects of being on a mission, Mr. Deveau relates to the poor communication with family due to lack of telephones and mail service.

Receiving the Commander-In-Chief Commendation

Receiving the Commander-In-Chief Commendation

Mr. Bojalil explains his role played in getting himself and his fellow soldiers recognized for the duty performed in reopening of the airport.

Speaking to School Children

Speaking to School Children

Mr. Dingwell discusses the curiosity of school children about the war, and his pleasure at being invited to tell his story at local schools.

New Clothes for the Homecoming

New Clothes for the Homecoming

Mr. Dingwell describes being outfitted in a flashy new suit for the voyage back to Newfoundland, but waiting until his arrival home to wear it.

Getting to Naples

Getting to Naples

Mr. Dingwell describes his voyage from England to Naples, Italy aboard HMS Duchess of Bedford.

Civilians Suffered

Civilians Suffered

Mr. Dingwell describes the plight of civilians who become the victims of armed conflict, and in particular talks about infant children who are commemorated on a “wall of pictures” which he sees on a later pilgrimage.

Training in England

Training in England

Mr. Dingwell describes training as a truck driver with the 166th Battalion after his arrival in England.

Evacuating the Injured

Evacuating the Injured

Mr. Wiseman relates the harsh reality of being a soldier while evacuating the injured being separated from their family.

Assisting at the Hospital

Assisting at the Hospital

Mr. Wiseman describes the sights witnessed within the hospital and the horrific conditions of the wounded.

Desperate for Survival

Desperate for Survival


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