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2919 results returned within branch Army
Montgomery's Double

Montgomery's Double

Mr. Laird recalls meeting Gen. Montgomery while under attack near Sicily, only to find out years later that it wasn’t actually the General.

U-Boat Near Gibraltar

U-Boat Near Gibraltar

Mr. Laird recalls the U-Boat alarm sounding during the voyage to Sicily, while outside Gibraltar, and seeing depth charges deployed.

Into Action - Sicily

Into Action - Sicily

Mr. Laird describes the invasion of Sicily, starting with the long voyage from Scotland.

Canada's Commandos

Canada's Commandos

Mr. Laird recalls being assigned to Canada's newly created commando unit, explaining the reasons for it's creation and disbandment.

Stores, Tanks and Flags

Stores, Tanks and Flags

Mr. Laird describes how he progressed from joining up with ordinance, to becoming a signaller.

Leadup to War Hits Home

Leadup to War Hits Home

Mr. Laird recalls when the leadup to war hit home.

Camp Details

Camp Details

Mr. McGee describes how filthy the camps were and how diseases would break out. Also he went blind for a short period of time due to lack of vitamins.

"Your Son Has Been Found"

"Your Son Has Been Found"

Mr. McGee tells how his parents weren’t aware that he was a prisoner until an agent wired them and told them their son had been freed.

High Morale

High Morale

Mr. McGee goes into detail about some humorous times to keep their spirits up.

"Just Me and Thee"

"Just Me and Thee"

Mr. McGee tells an amazing story where his last sister and he made a bet of who would live longer. After she passed on, Mr. McGee spoke to a friend in ‘95 and made the same bet with George Merritt...

Message to the Youth

Message to the Youth

Mr. McGee says education is important but if your country needs you, then do what you can to help. He also explains what Remembrance Day means to him.

Return Home

Return Home

Mr. McGee describes how good it was to be back home and see his parents and family.

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