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44 results returned within campaign Northwest Europe
Small Port of Dieppe

Small Port of Dieppe

Mr. Field goes over to the continent after the summer of 1944, and lands at Dieppe.

Awaiting the War

Awaiting the War

Mr. Field talks about people in high school enlisting, and describes he and his father enlisting in 1943.

The War Was Coming

The War Was Coming

Mr. Field talks about knowing the war was coming, and describes reading about it in the newspaper and talking about it.

Air Planes in the Morning

Air Planes in the Morning

Mr. Field talks about the Battle of the Bulge and what (little) he saw of it.

The Big Barrage

The Big Barrage

Mr. Field recounts about his unit moving to the south coast of Beveland and undertaking a large scale (support) barrage to drive the Germans out.

First Attack With the Infantry

First Attack With the Infantry

Mr. Field talks about his first attack with his infantry, and the sensation of being machine gunned.

First Shell Fire (Part 2 of 2)

First Shell Fire (Part 2 of 2)

Mr. Field describes the slow fighting in Beveland and the first time he came under fire.

The Highland Light Infantry (Part 3 of 3)

The Highland Light Infantry (Part 3 of 3)

Mr. Field tells a moving story about the Highland Light Infantry returning from battle, and moving on to their next position.

The Highland Light Infantry (Part 2 of 3)

The Highland Light Infantry (Part 2 of 3)

Mr. Field tells a moving story about the Highland Light Infantry returning from battle, and moving on to their next position.

The Highland Light Infantry (Part 1 of 3)

The Highland Light Infantry (Part 1 of 3)

Mr. Field tells a moving story about the Highland Light Infantry returning from battle, and moving to their next position.

Hitler Jugend

Hitler Jugend

Mr. Field talks about the day before the war ended, and his encounter with some German POWs, and the Hitler Jugend.

Shooting Gallery

Shooting Gallery

Mr. Field describes an encounter with the enemy while they are holed up in a house in Groningen.

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