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3030 results returned within war Second World War


Mr. MacLean has slept most of the day, hidden in bushes at the edge of the field where he landed when he bailed out of his plane over occupied Holland. He awakes to see two young girls approaching.

Injured in the Landing

Injured in the Landing

Mr. MacLean, preceded by his crew, is the last to jump from his crippled plane. He lands in a field, some miles from where his crew would have come down. It was not an easy landing.

Bailing Out Over Holland

Bailing Out Over Holland

Mr. MacLean continues his account of the bombing run to Essen, Germany that resulted in his plane being hit. He orders his men to bail out while he takes the plane several miles beyond their location and parachutes himself. It’s the beginning of his long and life-threatening journey back to England.

Bomber Raid Into Germany

Bomber Raid Into Germany

Now a pilot with Bomber Command, Mr. MacLean has made six or seven bombing raids behind enemy lines, including one that sent a thousand planes to bomb Cologne in south Germany. Within a week of completing that mission, he is told that a smaller group of bombers would be sent to Essen. It would result in a dramatic chain of events for this young Canadian pilot.

Parents React To Overseas Posting

Parents React To Overseas Posting

Basic training and a period as a pilot instructor in Canada behind him, Mr. MacLean recalls the reaction of his parents when he told them he had been posted overseas.

Answers Newspaper Ad For RAF

Answers Newspaper Ad For RAF

Work was very scarce as Mr. MacLean graduated from university in the spring of 1939. He recalls answering a newspaper advertisement that eventually took him into the Second World War.

Letters From Youth

Letters From Youth

Mr. Abdallah talks about how his feelings towards Remembrance Day have changed since the end of the war and how letters from students made him feel good.

American Comrades

American Comrades

Mr. Abdallah talks about the comradery that he experienced between the American and Canadian troops.

At The Movies

At The Movies

At the end of the war Mr. Abdallah was given a new job. He and ten others were to play movies, at a Repatriation Depot, for the other soldiers that were waiting to go home.

Taking Pictures

Taking Pictures

Mr. Abdallah explains how the Lancaster Bombers would take pictures while out on missions.

Kite Bombs

Kite Bombs

Mr. Abdallah explains what kite bombs are and talks about a close call their dispatch rider had with one.

Ardennes Salient

Ardennes Salient

Mr. Abdallah speaks about the time he spent in the Ardennes Salient.

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