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3030 results returned within war Second World War
When War Broke Out

When War Broke Out

Mr. Keys recollects being in Chicago with the merchant marine when the war broke out. He then went to Regina to visit his mother and subsequently enlisted.

Why He Enlisted

Why He Enlisted

Mr. Keys explains his reason for enlisting.

The Search For Work

The Search For Work

Mr. Keys describes what it was like looking for a job in October, 1935. He recounts going by train to Northern Ontario where he was refused work in the mines because of his weight.

Flying over a German staff car (2 of 2)

Flying over a German staff car (2 of 2)

As he flies closer, Mr. Rohmer determines that this car belongs to Field Marshall Rommel. The car runs off the road in an attempt to avoid what it thinks is an air attack.

Flying Over a German Staff Car (1 of 2)

Flying Over a German Staff Car (1 of 2)

Mr. Rohmer talks about flying a Recce over Normandy and spotting a German staff car.

Mother’s Reaction to His Enlistment

Mother’s Reaction to His Enlistment

A parting comment from Colonel Merritt about his mother’s reaction when he and his siblings enlisted at the beginning of the WWII.

Receiving the Victoria Cross

Receiving the Victoria Cross

Colonel Merritt recalls getting the news that he would be receiving the Victoria Cross. He speaks kindly of King George IV, who presented it to him in a ceremony at Buckingham Palace.

Freedom At Last! (2 of 2)

Freedom At Last! (2 of 2)

Colonel Merritt continues his account of the liberation of the prison camp by American forces.

Freedom At Last! (1 of 2)

Freedom At Last! (1 of 2)

Colonel Merritt reflects on the events at the POW camp as the war neared an end.

Ears to the Outside World

Ears to the Outside World

Within the prison camp, it was possible - with some risk involved - to keep abreast of the war developments.

The Escape

The Escape

Colonel Merritt remembers his escape from the POW camp through the underground tunnel. Sadly though, his freedom was short-lived.

A Tunnel to Freedom

A Tunnel to Freedom

Colonel Merritt was a senior officer on the Escaping Committe at the prison camp. In time, the prisoners constructed a tunnel to freedom.

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