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4752 results returned
Why Me

Why Me

Mr. McAndrew describes surviving a storm tossed flight which saw his aircraft diverted from Goose Bay to Greenwood.

Spit ‘n Polish

Spit ‘n Polish

Mr. McAndrew describes an amusing parade square incident involving a somewhat unkempt comrade.

The Lancaster bomber as a Submarine Tracker

The Lancaster bomber as a Submarine Tracker

Mr. McAndrew describes the paradox of a high altitude bomber being used for low-level marine surveillance, and describes the inadequacies of the radar of the day.

Becoming a Radio Operator

Becoming a Radio Operator

Mr. McAndrew describes his disappointment at being selected as a radio operator instead of for pilot training. He goes on to discuss his training and selection as a Cadet Officer



Mr. McAndrew describes accompanying a friend to Airbase Summerside, and being fully tested and enlisted in one day.

Evacuating the Injured

Evacuating the Injured

Mr. Wiseman relates the harsh reality of being a soldier while evacuating the injured being separated from their family.

Assisting at the Hospital

Assisting at the Hospital

Mr. Wiseman describes the sights witnessed within the hospital and the horrific conditions of the wounded.

Desperate for Survival

Desperate for Survival


Flaming Torches

Flaming Torches

Mr. Wiseman describes the sight of torches by the locals when going up the mountains to gather food from the drop zone.

Parachutes to Pants

Parachutes to Pants

Mr. Wiseman describes the level of survival the Bosnian people went to in order to clothe their children and obtain food in the town.

Meeting the Locals

Meeting the Locals

Mr. Wiseman tells of speaking with the locals and trying to understand their culture and means of survival.

Duties of the UN

Duties of the UN

Mr. Wiseman describes the responsibility and the value of the UN presence in Bosnia.

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