A Close Call in Sicily
Heroes Remember
A Close Call in Sicily
We did our patrol and, golly, I looked down and I found I was out of fuel and
I called up my leader and I said, “I've got to force land, I'm out of fuel.”
He didn't answer me so I thought, well, I guess I better land so I saw a field
that I thought looked good and I spiraled down and landed and did a beautiful
job and it was over a very large irrigation ditch that I landed and I thought,
golly, it's going so nice I'll just let it keep going and I hit a plowed field and
I went up on the nose of the Spitfire and there I was,
hanging up on the nose, in this air plane.
When I came out of the, when I got out of the cockpit and
as I looked up and here's about 30, 40 people running towards me.
I thought, what do you do now, you know? Anyhow, I crawled out of
the airplane, got down on the ground and these people came up.
They were farmer types and one of them handed me a bottle of wine.
I thought, oh this has got to be poison.
He laughed, polished it up, took a drink and then handed it to me, and I took a drink.
Anyhow, that was my entry into Sicily.
I was the first British pilot that force landed more or less behind the lines.
It was quite important because they wanted to know how they were treating pilots that forced land.
The good reception I received settled a lot of people down.
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