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Afghanistan Deployment, Another Story!

Heroes Remember

Afghanistan Deployment, Another Story!

Going to Bosnia I was not so scared, you know, but going to Afghanistan was another story. My first mission I deployed as a replacement for someone that had passed away over there so it was difficult, you know, to get into the shoes of someone that passed on; get to the troop that just had that terrible loss. And so I did two months. It went well though for me, I did the end of the mission with them and I was lucky enough during that Roto that things went as good as it can get in Afghanistan. My first Roto we were living in a big open tent on little cots and we were all one beside each other so there is no privacy or anything like that. It gets really hot in a tent in Afghanistan. At 6:30 in the morning there’s no sleeping in because it gets so hot that you got to get up. And so stuff like that was a bit different. Again, I was the only female within that troop but you get used to it, you know, and they get used to you too so there’s, you know, I just act like them. I don’t go around the corner to change, I change and they look away and that’s it.

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