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Dutch Appreciation for Canadian Soldiers

Heroes Remembers - Liberation of the Netherlands

Dutch Appreciation for Canadian Soldiers

I was fortunate enough to be over for the 50th anniversary, twenty years ago, and when we started out on the march, the one certain parade we had on, when you started out you were a bent little old seventy year old man and you were tired. By the time we got through that parade, the Dutch people had buoyed our spirits so much, you were ten foot tall and you were nineteen years old again. Just fabulous! They will probably do the same thing this year only instead of seventy, we’ll be ninety years old. The Dutch have never forgotten that. When they were down to eating tulip bulbs for food, they just never forgot. And as I say, at the 50th anniversary, those little kids were coming out, “Thank you mister, thank you mister!” “Thank you for what?” Because it really never, I don’t think really hit the average dough boy soldier that they were so near starvation. And our guys brought all those rations in for them, fabulous. It was automatic if you had anything when a little kid come up and asked you, you give it to him because you could get more.

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