Unearthing Mass Graves
Heroes Remember
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Unearthing Mass Graves
For somebody that has not been there the
best way I could put the smell,
okay I’ll combine the smells of three tours,
first of all my tour in Croatia, Rwanda and
as well going back to Bosnia.
If you have ever been to a landfill site and
it’s like taking meat and let it sit in 80 degrees
for a week and let it ferment,
that’s the type of smell. The smell of rotten flesh.
I don’t want to jump ahead but I know
when I was in Rwanda when we unearthed some
graves we seen people that were burnt so
we had the smell of burnt rotting flesh.
And that smell would be if you would have
burnt meat on a barbeque and then just
left it on your patio for a few days,
that’s what the smell is. And sometimes
when I still go to dumps, the smell will put
me back in place. Rwanda or Croatia,
you know, the smell of flesh because
I know one part when I was in Croatia it
was done by, it was not Interpol,
The Hague a bunch of people at
The Hague and we cooperated with the civilian,
civ pool there and went to an area where
there was just the battle and between the,
I can’t remember the name of that town,
but it was a town. There was a Muslim population
and I forget who was the aggressive force,
either Croats or Serbs, but we had to go there
to take pictures for the war crime bureaus and
all that and that’s when we saw some
mass graves. I remember one spot this guy
crucified his wife in her wedding dress on
the wall and it was all like rotten flesh and
we had to take pictures of that stuff for the
criminal courts later on so that’s where
some of the smell of rotten flesh comes.
And Rwanda, again the mass graves that we
unearthed and had to rebury it because
the wild dogs, because they would just put the
bodies there and put a bit of dirt on it so at
night the wild dogs would smell the flesh.
They would go there and unearth the bodies
and start chewing them and all that so we
went there and fixed it all up so the victims had
a proper burial. And if I remember right I think
we took pictures of that again for The Hague,
the court. So that’s where the flesh
smells come from.
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