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Positive Thoughts on Korea Today

Heroes Remember

Positive Thoughts on Korea Today


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You know there’s a sacrifice when you go there, you may not realize you’re going there as something new, as a young man and so on. Adventure, there are so many reasons why some people went to Korea. Some only to find a job. The timing, if you take in terms 1950 was not the best time economically speaking especially for eastern Canada. When you look back and you recall what you saw at the time you were there and through the revisit program you have a chance to see what it is now. Where Korea has done a rebuild program which is beyond imagination. We all realize that they have been helped quite a bit. Yes they have been helped quite a bit to do that but the Korean people also did it. There are so many places in the world where there has been funds committed to reconstruct or to improve and what not but never came through and the money has disappeared here and there. In Korea that’s not the case. This is a brand new, very advanced country. It is becoming, economically it’s about tenth in the world.

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