A Career Cut Short
Heroes Remember
A Career Cut Short
I joined up through the Navy and I went
the officer route so I finished university
I did all my training and all my courses to
get trained up for that and the posting
was actually out to the west coast.
I had never seen the west coast out to
British Columbia so I figure
I might as well go out there and
see what it’s like out there.
I had gotten my first posting out there.
I had finished all my training and after I was
out there for eight months that was when
I got sick so I never really got into a job.
I just got out there got my first position
and half way through that, like four months
into that I got sick.
I was still an officer cadet.
I hadn’t got promoted yet because my
physical fitness wasn’t where it should
have been due to the sickness and still
I hadn’t been promoted at that point.
And I knew something was wrong when
I was finishing up university because every
morning I would wake up and I would feel
sick and I would throw up sometimes.
It was just stomach acid and I knew
something was wrong and when I got out
to my first posting in Esquimalt and went
to see the doctor and he sent me for
an MRI and they found an actual lump on
my brain which had been causing a build-up
of spinal fluid in my head which was
making me sick every morning and I wasn’t
feeling like myself and caused me to gain a
bunch of weight as well.
And after they sent me for that they had
to figure out what it was so they put me
through a biopsy to figure out which
was actually first. At first it was diagnosed
as sarcoidosis which was wrong and
then I was posted back to Gagetown
where my family was and they did
another biopsy of it and it came back
as a germanium brain tumor.
But at that point before I had even
left Esquimalt, Victoria, B.C. I had lost
my vision back in 2013 because of the
build-up of spinal fluid had damaged my
optical nerves causing me to lose my vision.
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