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The Sport of Archery

Heroes Remember

The Sport of Archery

Interviewer: And I understand you have chosen the sport of archery and you know I as many other Canadians might say, how does he do that? We slowly started learning how and it’s been a lot of fun learning how to do archery because it was one thing I never did when I was a kid. I played many sports growing up but archery wasn’t one of them and learning how to do it with no vision, people would think that I would be a little crazy to think could pick archery with no vision but it’s been a lot of fun learning and showing people how good a blind guy can shoot the bow and shoot. I will pretend my cane is my bow but what happens is I have a, my holder in front of me with arrows in it and I have my bow in my hand and I will grab an arrow. I will feel it. I will put it back in place on the little holder there and I will hook it up to the string making sure the fletching’s are in the right part, the little feathers, the things that are on the arrow. And then once I have it all lined up I pull it forward and I have a stand I use and I line up my middle knuckle to a screw that’s on the stand, the head of the screw and then once the stand is lined up to the target I know I am lined up to the target so all I have to do is pull back, draw back to a certain spot on my face to know how far the arrow is going to go and it’s not going to, it’s going to go at a consistent rate the whole time and then I let go. And then once we got the stand lined up I should be on the target and hit the bull’s eye every time.

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