Scared To Death
Heroes Remember
Scared To Death
I’ll tell you I was scared to death. Every time you took off it
wasn’t funny. When you take off you’ve got about 12,000 pounds of
bombs and you can feel the plane taking off and then there’s
sinking. Sinking because it hasn’t quite got enough power and
then all of a sudden it gradually ... hah ... it made it! At
times fellas didn’t make it — just went right down. The casing of
the bomb would be about that thick steel and it was just wiped
right out and you could see the innards of the bombs. Didn’t go
off! The fellas survived. Others blew up and blew them all to
hell. So if they’re lucky or not ... you know ... but this is
what you faced on every take-off. The heaviest bomb load we had
was eight 1000 pound bombs and six 500s. And the six 500s were
three in each wing. That’s how big the aircraft was ... you
could put three 500 pound bombs in each wing. So there’s six ...
and that’s what? 11,500 pounds of bombs? Take-off with that load
and a full tank of gas ... you know its like ... it’s loaded for
trouble. Then landing was the other risk. German fighters would
follow you in sometimes and shoot you up while you’re trying to
And then of course, you’re in the dark and you can’t see and you
run into each other and so on. So those are the two most
dangerous ... other than over the target where naturally you
expect to find trouble.
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