Suddenly the Stone Moved
Heroes Remember
My runner, actually, was a man from Kenora. He was great.
Anyway, one day he called me over and he said, “Sarge, see that
stone out there, down there?” I said, “Yeah.” He says, “It
wasn’t there yesterday.” I said, “How can a stone that size
move?” He said, “Take a shot at it.” So he took a shot, nothing
happened. “Take another shot.” The second shot, suddenly the
stone moved alright. Suddenly a leg shot out of there and it was
the Japanese sniper, but this sniper was a different kind. He
didn’t carry a pistol, carried a little bag about that size. He
carried about that much of rice as well. He could stay away from
his base at least three weeks. But he had this bag of little,
the Japanese grenade didn’t weigh one pound, they weighed half a
pound. You could throw it the baseball way, but ours, we had to
lob it. You know, you could break your arm if you, and when
we inspected, he was dead. I reported my company commander.
My company commander said, “You’re going to have us
all tortured.” by my actions. But anyway, it was much better,
because at night with these grenades, he’d come around and
he’d throw them even though sometimes he probably didn’t know
where we were. But a grenade can demoralize a good position
right out of sight.
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