Some of the battles were … you didn’t eat properly because
you didn’t, sometimes you didn’t get the rations up, and
cigarettes were scarce. Most of our food was dehydrated food
in cans … used to come in cans, a lot of it. And then the other
one was haricot ox tail which was 90 per cent bone, you know,tail
Actual battles, you know, there’s a lot of noise and there’s a
lot of people hit and you see people hit, and you see
people dead and guys blown up. You wonder sometimes, am I next?
No, it’s … you don’t think too much about it. Like I, one
time the British division come around and they …at night time,
the British all used to back up a little and reverse their guns.
That was tradition. Well, the Germans came in that night
and I guess took a lot of them out. We had to go into the
tanks and get the bodies. That’s the only time I got sick.
I was, you know, bringing up and stuff like that, because the
guys were burnt and, you know, you grab his leg and it come off
like an overdone stuffed turkey. I don’t, like I told you before
I don’t mention it too much you know. It’s not the nicest
things to see. Like in Dieppe, there’s this one of ours,
Shushner, he was taken prisoner. He was wounded bad, from the
shoulder down to the hips. You couldn’t put a quarter without
holes in him and he had braces on both legs. He’s still got them
on both legs and one of his arms. He’s still in bad
shape, but you know that’s the luck of the draw, I guess.
Yeah, we lost a lot of friends. Like, we were friends with
everybody in the regiment. We’d been together three years,
three, four years and we knew everybody. We knew everybody.
They were like family and when some guy missed, you’d say,
“Well (Bill) got her today,” and then it was just dead silence.
But when we were over there, we looked at a few of the graves,
but that’s a long time ago. I enjoyed going up at night in the
trucks with the ammunition and the tanks. They were always shoot
at us ‘cause they knew we were going up that special road,
and they always had guns along the ... across the valley.
They always had guns there ready to pot you, but they didn’t
get me, so I was all right. You’re scared, oh yeah, you’re
always scared. You’re not that scared that you’re petrified.
I mean, some of the people went off the deep end. I don’t
remember anybody, but they say that there was quite a few
of them went off the deep end. But no, you’re scared. You
learn quick to keep your head down. But no, I was okay.
We knew we’d finally get them. Like, when we were driving them
back in Italy there, we didn’t know how long it would take, but
we knew we’d get them out of there. And you don’t go into the ar
and that with the thought of losing anything.
You’re in there to win the battle, and I think that’s what was
instilled in us. But no, we figured we’d win the war, but we did
figure it would take that long …five years. We kept going on and
on and on, the same old drudgery. Italy was all mud and dirt an
water. Well, you’ve seen pictures of it, the towns and that,just
flattened. And you know, you used to have to sleep out in that.
You didn’t have tents and stuff like that; you slept out in that.
And if you, too many of you, slept in an old farmhouse or
something, they’d usually shell it. So, that’s why they left a
lot of those houses up, in case somebody moved in there.
They’d just shell it. You never knew when you were going to
get ‘er. You don’t in the army. You never know when you are go
get ‘er.