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We had a very nice trip over.

Heroes Remember

We had a very nice trip over.

We were shipped from Petawawa. We got on that train there at Petawawa and run down to Halifax. We were put in the agricultural building up on a hill in Halifax, as a place for us to stay until we got transportation overseas. Now the other thing was in those days, the transportation overseas was not so regular, and we were six or eight weeks in Halifax before we got a ship to go over. We had sort of a free hand at what we did as long as we did it when we were off duty and we didn’t get ourselves in trouble. And we had certain areas which were out of bounds, of course, and there was other times we went and did as we pleased. So it was really a right holiday for us there, except for the work, of course, was not. They didn’t have any fixed drills there because we were waiting for a ship and we didn’t know when the ship was coming. Fortunately, we had the best quarters on the ship, because there was some infantry went on the ship as well and they went on first. And they went on and went down in the hold and around the... and then the artillerymen, secret service, you know, they come in and they got into the deck cabins. So, that’s where the artillerymen were, on the upper border of the ship. So, that’s what we had. We had a very nice trip over except we had, of course, as we got closer to the other side, we had warnings about submarines and all the rest of the things that went on in those days.

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