Our Brigade went to Germany.
Heroes Remember
Our Brigade went to Germany.
It wasn’t the greatest, joyful thing. We just took it as part of
the war and we were sort of geared up to it, or brought up to it.
Because we heard news coming from the south, what was
happening there. It would come down to us, you know,
not officially but through word of mouth, you know. And we
knew that it was going to happen. So when it happened
and armistice was struck, it was sort of given to us to
understand that the war wasn’t going to be long, because when
we got up to Jamap (sp), it was over and it was nothing.
But what happened was, everybody was happy. We got
to go to the pub, but because there was no pub, there was
no celebration, you see. But everybody was very, very, happy
about it in their own way. Their was no throwing your hats in
the air or anything of that type. There were just fellows that
were very happy and who talked to one another saying,
“Well, we’re soon going home.” It happened that we stood
around this area around Jamap (sp) for about two or three or four
weeks, I think, I’m not sure the date about that. It was a while,
a few weeks, and then we had rumours come, and that came
from the head for the officer, of course, in charge, that we
were going to be on the army of occupation which was going
into Germany after the armistice was all over and signed.
So that was... our brigade went to Germany. So we started
in and moved up to the bridge which was still there. I think
it’s still repaired. And we got over the Rhine and we went on
up into Germany and we stayed in Germany for about two
or three months, maybe more. We were on our own. We were
almost free there except our daily routine which was associated
with our unit, of course. It was a friendly atmosphere. As I say,
it was so friendly that we went out to this place to sort of
a dance hall, I suppose, and we met young people there and
one of them we talked to could speak English a little bit.
And he spoke English and told us about things and how they were
and so on, how glad they were to see us and so on and such like.
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