Those are the ones that you must keep in mind.
Heroes Remember
Those are the ones that you must keep in mind.
This hundredth birthday that I had, and the young people who were
interested in it, the birthday part. But in the giving of the
Legion of Honour medal that occurred on the twenty-fourth
of February for Veterans that you knew all about, of course,
I was surprised at the younger individuals that were interested
in that part of it. Many of them were interested in the medals
or this. Now, I didn’t care about the medals, but they told me
I had to wear them, you see. Anyway, they were interested in it,
the young people were interested in it and I had to talk to a lot
of young people about warfare from what I saw. But with my
warfare, I wasn’t talking about it. I was talking about the
general warfare of real soldiers, you see, and they were
interested. I would say to them, “Look here, you young fellows
are coming into a country that has given you so much, given
to you by the work that the fellows had done during the first
wars. Those are the ones that you must keep in mind and those
are that part of this is that you should keep in mind when you’re
thinking about what you’re going to do and what the young people
should do and what should be the honour of this country that
you’re living in. You should be very, very, very happy that you
got a history like that to look back on.” That’s what I feel.
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