Take no prisoners
First World War Audio Archive
Take no prisoners
Black and white images of building ruins
We went to Arras first and through the Canal du Nord, and thenSoldiers walk through a dry canal
through the Hindenburg Line. The 46th reinforced and theBlimps in the air over soldiers and military vehicles
Hindenburg Line was taken ahead of us and we went up behind andA soldier flying in hot air balloon
went through the Hindenburg Line. The night before, we were shownSoldiers tiptoe in the trenches
maps of the front line and everything, the German front line.Soldiers stand around table in field looking at maps.
And we were ordered to go over the top and take no prisoners.Firearms and bayonets ready, soldiers run up and down trenches
There were hundreds of prisoners taken that weren’t shot.Back in the trenches, soldiers moving swiftly
I saw one corporal shoot a German, or rather shoot a GermanSoldier shoots and hits German in the trench. Bullet hole visible in helmet
prisoner, and then shoot him. That’s the only one I saw shot.Elderly man and woman speaking to soldier
Now I went into a farmhouse, it was out in the open, and an old man and woman were at the door and they pointed down the stairs,Two German soldiers surrender as soldier looks on with firearm pointed at prisoners
and I found two Germans down there lying on a mattress and I ordered them upstairs. What happened to them I don’t know.Still image of men and women walking
I guess they were taken prisoner. I don’t know how many prisoners we took. We were weak at that time, that’s why the order was given to take no prisoners. And then we took the city of of Valenciennes. There was nobody there.Closing shot is of soldiers walking in single file amid ruins
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