Realizing he's being fired upon.
Heroes Remember
Realizing he's being fired upon.
Interviewer: So at this point you're aware
that the war is on?
Yeah, and I've understood since then that we
were the first Canadian soldiers in action,
in the Second World War.
First I really knew of it,
I was walking from the cookhouse back
to our bunkhouse and the bullets
were flying around. I heard this plane,
I looked up and I really didn't know but
I could hear the bullets hitting the roof,
hitting the dust and so forth,
sounds like a movie deal but it's true.
I looked up and then I seen this big red
painting on the back of the,
on the bottom of this plane,
that's the Japanese flag,
what we call the scrambled, the fried egg.
Interviewer: Wow
And that didn't bother me, you know,
because it was, I didn't,
I didn't know the war was on.
I didn't know, what's that?
I thought somebody was making a
mistake up there.
Interviewer: You must have been afraid
No I wasn't, I didn't realize what was happening.
The next time that I was fired on that closely,
I was in a group, a copps of trees and
I could hear the air plane.
Now we were in the war now,
now we're back over here on the island,
this is, we would, I don't know what,
how long, what we stayed on the mainland.
But when we went back to the island,
the first time I was fired on it was up in the air,
another air plane and it's cutting the trees,
I couldn't see the plane, and its cutting the
leaves off the trees and I'm just like that,
I'm shaking all over until I got out and
I could see the plane and calm came back,
came over me. That's the only time
that I was really shaking from...
You're scared all the time,
there is no question about it, you know,
nobody wants to die.
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