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Stay or Go

Heroes Remember

Interviewer: With your tour of duty in Korea being over, you had to make a decision as to whether or not to stay in the Canadian military or demobilize... Well, I'm gonna tell you the truth what happened. 1957, I was called in to... if I was gonna sign up again. I said, "No, I'm gonna get out and see what's going on, on civvy street, and if I don't like it, I'll come back." So, that night... They used to call me "Baby Chaisson" ‘cause I only weighed about 112 pounds when I joined, anyway, so they had... "We're gonna have a party for you, Danny." Ok, down at the canteen, had a party. Next morning, I got up, boy, I wasn't feeling too good, so I went over and told the guys, "Bye, I hope to see you one of these days." Sergeant Major Powell said, "Where're you going?" I said, "I'm going home." He said, "No, you're not." I'd signed on for six years, and didn't know it. So that made nine years, so I decided to make it a career.

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