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Duties After Enlisting

Heroes Remember

Duties After Enlisting

I had taken a course at Union Commercial College in Charlottetown and when I finished the course there wasn't much work. And two of my friends, the three of us, we said "Let's join the army." I guess we didn't know what we were getting into. But we joined. We went down to the armouries and joined, and within two weeks I was on the train going down to Halifax. When I arrived in Halifax we went to St. Joseph's Hall, I remember, on Gottingen street. And we marched down Gottingen street everyday for dinner. And I can't remember where it was we went to. We had civilian clothes, we must have been a sad looking sight on the street. But I was there at St. Joseph's Hall about a week or ten days and then I went to barracks. I didn't have a uniform yet. And then I went to barracks and it was New Wellington I believe. And from New Wellington I went to Cathedral barracks. And then I went . . . well before I went to Cathedral I went to work at headquarters on Spring Garden Road, MD6. Interviewer: And what did you do there? Office work. I was in the book room. And we had all the pamphlets and books and maps for the forces that were going overseas. We supplied them all. I was there all the time I was in the army.

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