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Dieppe Raid Impact

Heroes Remember

It’s hard to say, but when I learned about the Dieppe raid I was up in Glasgow on leave and I was up at about 11:00 o’clock in the morning to a pub on a side street having a beer and this had come over the radio. We didn’t really know the, at that time, they didn’t broadcast the amount of casualties, where you didn’t hear this, this wasn’t made public. But I think most us sitting there in the pub said, “Thank God it wasn’t us.” Because that was cancelled and they stayed on the Isle of Wight for so long, then they rescheduled it. And having landed at Dieppe on the 50th Anniversary of D-Day, why in the hell they ever let anybody land there, they had to have been nuts. We got off our bus came off the ferry and I seen those cliffs and said," What in the hell would they ever land anybody there for?” But as far as reaction go back, cause you never heard the total losses like you would today. It wasn’t brought up, it was a loss of life and the fellows came back and you didn’t hear much talk. Cause you never talked much about what was going on. They say, “walls have ears” and maybe we were more content with the fact that we were still here, able to get around and maybe lost friends over there. We didn't know this. Interviewer: After the Dieppe raid, did it appear to you that training escalated? Well, see the, being artillery, we were differently trained than infantry. See, we never, hardly ever, well we got these cross- country schemes, we could go all the way for hundreds of miles for two weeks at a time on the road, getting our guns in position This is the way we trained, but the infantry trained a lot harder than we did. I mean, thank God I didn’t join the infantry cause I’ll tell you, those guys had it tough.

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