Patriotism versus a Job
Heroes Remember
Patriotism versus a Job
Well, it’s kind of hard to put it in patriotism because at the
time of the Second World War, unemployment was one hell
of a mess in this country. There was no jobs and maybe a year
after I was in the service, I was patriotic. But when I joined
the service, I knew I’d signed up to be called up; I didn’t want
to be called up, so I joined. Cause no matter what happened,
I would still have to go one way or the other. But I done it on
my own free will and it was someone’s advice I took and I
never regretted it. But to say I done it for patriotic reasons,
at the time, there was millions of people out of work, walking
all over the country looking for jobs out west (inaudible) wheat.
I’d seen them walking by the road at the farm where I was working
and I was getting, if I stayed in Windsor, I would have had no
place to eat or sleep and my mother couldn’t support me.
Welfare wouldn’t, likely. Maybe as you went along in the service
once you got into a regiment, I feel as time went on, the longer
you were with it, the prouder you felt. You went out a little
smarter each time you dressed. You made sure your shoes were
shined and your buttons and your badges were on and you were
shaved and hair was cut. And you might get drunk, but up to that
point, you could act as a proud representative of the regiment
you belonged to. And I think all these fellows were the same, so
were drunk, some weren’t, but we were a cohesive group
that done hat we had to do under
sometimes hellish conditions.
I never heard a person bitch or complain about it. We might
have bitched a little after about it, but we did it.
You might not want to do this, but you did it. Now today, the
way life is today to have a war, to ask some people to leave
their $150,000 , $200,000 home and their $50,000 cars to go into
the service to fight for another country, I don’t think
you’re going to get the same feeling. Because it’s been bred
out of the people over the years what the likes of me and other
young men done for this country, army, air force, any thing, the
women that done it, they have a different feeling because now, a
lot of people would say, “Well why in the hell should I have to
go and fight for them?” We went over there. Maybe we didn’t
have a lot of men but we done darn good in D-Day and we done good
in Italy. Dieppe was a disaster but you can’t blame the men for
that. But that’s my feeling anyway,
whether it makes sense or not.
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