Heroes Remember
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I think it’s just because you’re young and you want to see the
world and you thought it was the thing to do, that you should do
your bit. You know, all your friends and relatives, men
especially were going, boys and then two or three of the nurses
came back and we saw them in uniform, of course they looked
very nice and we thought, well, this would be an advantage and we
could do something. We thought we weren’t doing anything for the
war effort by staying at home. But, of course, we were because a
couple of my friends were with the... well, I was with the VON
but I was with them working with them with the agreement that
when my call came to get in the army, I would be released and a
couple of friends were with the polio clinic and they were under
the same condition. Most of us if we wanted to go, we worked for
as long as we could until we were called up.
We put in our application and we weren’t being called up.
We thought we should have got in right away.
So we just went to the, I guess it was the MO office, the
military headquarters, and just said that we would like to go and
we were wondering why we weren’t called up and so pretty
soon just because we put in the appearance, they took us.
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