News of the Arrow No More
Heroes Remember
News of the Arrow No More
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Then I went to 412 VIP Squadron
which was very, very interesting.
You took different heads of states and
what have you and also there was
one trip there like, I can't remember the
exact date and I can't find it in my log
book but it was honorable George Perks,
he was Minister of National Defense then
and they had that deal of the Arrow being
phased out so I took him down to
Washington, DCA, and it was a last
moment sort of appeal, you know,
help us or buy some of them or whatever
it is they were having in mind but anyway,
we came back that night and came back
to see if everything was fine, car ready
and all that sort of thing and
he said, “Sit down.”
So I had taken a lot of trips previous to
this and he said, “Dungey, this is one of the
saddest days for Canada.”
I said, “Is that so?” And he says,
“Yeah, I'm afraid our Arrow is
going to go and it's very,
very sad because we got the
best aircraft in the world but he says
we can't get anyone to support us,
our economy just won't support it.”
So I can always remember that trip.
It was a bad day for us because we
were a way, way, way ahead of
everything in the world.
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