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Lack of vitamins

Heroes Remember

Your mind went, really your mind, everything went. If you don't get vitamins it affects everything in your body; your eyes, your ears, your, everything is affected by not having vitamins and we got no vitamins. We get, well, the only vitamins we got was what we could get weeds, when we could get a weed and eat the greens from that weed that's the only way we were getting any vitamins. There's no vitamins in rice, I mean it's all starch and you got beri-beri, you had electric foot. This electric foot, everybody will tell you you had electric foot and it was malnutrition, that part of the malnutrition that you had was, it was like an electric shock started on each of your toes and it was like electric shock but it was pain, absolute pain. Your feet was just burning, you figured your feet was on fire but if you touched them, they were cold as ice and it was what you got from not having vitamins.

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