Record of Discussion – 21 March 2023

Tuesday, March 21, 2023
15:00 – 17:00 (ET)

Mental Health Advisory Group Members

  • Sergeant (Retired) Michael Blais, Canadian Veterans Advocacy
  • Dave Gallson, Mood Disorders Society of Canada
  • Trevor Jenvenne, Royal Canadian Legion
  • Corporal (Retired) Victoria Jonas
  • Captain (Retired) Tarik Kadri
  • Dennis MacKenzie, Brave and Broken – co-chair
  • Dr. Don Richardson, Canadian Psychiatric Association
  • Dr. Maya Roth
  • Dr Gail Wideman
  • Ed Mantler, Mental Health Commission of Canada
  • Sergeant (Retired) Alannah Gilmore – co-chair


  • Sapper (Retired) Aaron Bedard
  • Dr. Karen Cohen, Canadian Psychological Association
  • Warrant Officer (Retired) Brian McKenna
  • Captain (Retired) Robert Thibeau, Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones

Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs

  • Abigail Garwood, Senior Policy Advisor

Veterans Affairs Canada Officials

  • Cyd Courchesne, Chief Medical Officer, Health Professionals Division (Co-chair)
  • Karen Rose, Senior Analyst, Engagement and Events Division
  • Lisa Matte, Project Officer, Engagement and Events Division


  • Sonia Poirier, Office of the Veterans Ombudsman

Mental Health Advisory Group Meeting

Roundtable Introductions

  • The VAC Co-chair welcomed the members and offered a land acknowledgement recognizing that we are all on sacred land, subject to numerous treaties.
  • Each member introduced themselves and provided brief background information. Many of the members are Veterans, family members of Veterans and/or work in some capacity with Veterans and their families. Members are excited to participate and are interested in affecting change.

Forward agenda items and priorities

  • The purpose of the meeting is to discuss topics the group would like to address in the future and develop a forward agenda. Also want to confirm with the members the frequency of meetings in order to tentatively set up meeting dates to add to the calendar.
  • Important also with new members to present some of the initiatives, actions taken and change affected since the Mental Health Advisory Group came to be in 2016.     
  • Would like to gather a list of topics and priorities to provide to the Minister for consideration.


  • Some concern with telemedicine no longer being covered in Ontario and how this will affect medical treatment in the future. The pandemic enabled Veterans to access medical treatment virtually when they were unable to physically go to see a doctor. Now question whether virtual care will be covered by VAC if/when telemedical appointments are no longer covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP).
  • A member asked that for a future discussion we look at primary care for transitioning members and providing some initial virtual care via MAPLE.  Raise awareness of what can be done.  Pandemic has forced innovation and allowed individuals to access health care from their home.  We are not going to resolve nursing and physician shortages so there is a need to innovate.
  • It was suggested that VAC develop a survey focused on mental health, particularly for Veterans who are transitioning.
  • Some Veterans have expressed that they are not comfortable discussing their medical history with a case worker. 
  • Some Veterans have expressed they don’t feel like the department understands their medical situation.
  • There was significant discussion on the new Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Program (RSVP) contract and that more training needs to be provided to the contractor on cultural sensitivity, education on the purge, military sexual trauma, class action lawsuits, etc..  
  • It would be beneficial to the Veteran to be provided with more information on the new Rehab program, so that they can better understand the program and what it offers and why certain questions are being asked.
  • A member indicated that they are involved with evaluating the new Rehab program. It was suggested that a presentation from a Veteran with lived experience who is part of the review team come and present to the advisory group on what they are evaluating.  
  • One area of concern raised was the inability to get a referral through an Operational Stress Injury (OSI) Clinic, even if the Veteran was once a client of the clinic. Why does a new reassessment need to take place?  
  • A key message that was shared was that not every Veteran requires therapy when transitioning. Sometimes Veterans are asked to tell their story and they are just looking for housing. It was suggested that there be an ability to make a one-time appointment, this would help to cut back on backlogs and waitlists.
  • Discussion around not all Veterans wanting to be treated via a case worker, some Veterans seek treatment through their family doctor or others in the medical community. However, there is a gap in the medical community on what treatments and services are available to Veterans. Navigational services should be covered more in-depth.
  • Cannabis and psychedelics an emerging treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD) and need to be promoted further as treatment modalities; many Veterans seek this type of treatment as traditional treatments are sometimes not working.
  • There should be a greater focus on unrepresented Veterans, which should include:
    • 2SLGBTQI+
    • Women
    • Combat Veterans
    • Indigenous
    • Veterans based on geography/region
    • Age – when determining treatment
    • Catastrophic injuries
    • Pain management
    • Previously denied claims / closer to end of life that would qualify today
    • Transitional Veterans
  • It was pointed out that there is sometimes a crossover from (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI); there is a difference and Veterans need get the appropriate care.
  • Presentations and topics suggested for future meetings included:
    • Stepped Care
    • Occupational Stress Injuries (OSI) Clinics and how they work and the processes in place
    • Evidence based research – what is it, and myths and stereotypes 

Potential key themes

Some preliminary themes were noted by the VAC co-chair

  • Education – educate the Veteran community and the service provider community
  • Communication – communicating about the benefits to those who are clients
  • Research - opportunities for participating in research and communicating more widely on how we do research
  • Processes  – queues for referral to the OSI services, looking at certain processes

Next Steps and Closing Remarks

  • Prioritize agenda items that need to be expedited and the ones that are time sensitive.
  • Need to concentrate on things we can address, and possibly look at what we can resolve with other advisory groups such as questions around case managers with the Service Excellence and Transition Group.  
  • A google poll with the dates for the next face to face meeting will be sent to the advisory by next week.
  • Members were thanked for their participation and the meeting was adjourned.