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2919 results returned within branch Army
Joining The Quebec Regiment

Joining The Quebec Regiment

Mr. Henley describes his transfer from a mounted to infantry regiment, and the shocking difference between the two uniforms.

Sailing To England

Sailing To England

Mr. Henley describes sailing to England aboard the SS Welshman during which he is in charge of the mules and horses, for which he receives premium pay. An offer of extra money to clean the ship afterward is ungraciously declined.

Lack of vitamins

Lack of vitamins

Some of the diseases that were present during captivity and the importance of vitamins.

Working in the mines

Working in the mines

Weak from working in Japan, Mr. Durant passed out and fell into a pit.

Christmas Surrender (Part 2)

Christmas Surrender (Part 2)

Mr. Durant talks about his first march as a prisoner and tells a story of the treatment they were subjected to.

Christmas Surrender (Part 1)

Christmas Surrender (Part 1)

Mr. Durant talks about Christmas day and the events that followed after putting up the white flag.

Nuttin’ but mutton

Nuttin’ but mutton

Mr. Durant talks about the meals on the voyage to Hong Kong.

Ship conditions

Ship conditions

Mr. Durant talks about the conditions on the Awatea, the ship that took them to Hong Kong.

We went to Jamaica

We went to Jamaica

Canadians heading for Jamaica for garrison duty heard some disturbing propaganda on the radio.

“Why I joined up”

“Why I joined up”

Mr Durant recalls that higher pay led many young people to join the army when the war broke out in 1939.

A continuum of care

A continuum of care

Ms. Orford remembers a patient she had treated in England, and had then treated at Christie St. Veterans Hospital in Toronto after the war. She marvels at the surgery which allowed this veteran to regain the use of his hands and return to his prewar occupation. Ms. Orford goes on to discuss how wives coped with their husbands' disabilities.

Business and pleasure in London

Business and pleasure in London

Ms. Orford describes two interesting trips she had to London. The first was to attend a physiotherapy conference. The second, and the highlight, was to attend a ceremony in which her future brother-in-law received the Military Cross from King George VI at Buckingham Palace.

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