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968 results returned within branch Air Force
Caught By A Night Fighter

Caught By A Night Fighter

Mr. Wickens describes a nearly tragic bombing run over Germany’s V2 rocket sites

Bombing Hamburg - A Sickening Feeling

Bombing Hamburg - A Sickening Feeling

Mr. Wickens describes being ordered to bomb civilian targets in Hamburg, Germany, and the disgust of the crew at having to carry out the order

Scared To Death

Scared To Death

Mr. Wickens describes the stress of taking off in a bomber fully loaded with bombs.

Risky Practises

Risky Practises

Mr. Wickens describes the “conversion” unit for training bomber pilots, and the risks faced by the aircrews.

Crew Friendly Aircraft

Crew Friendly Aircraft

Mr. Wickens describes the ergonomics of Halifax bombers and the working positions of her crew.

G-Box Navigation

G-Box Navigation

Mr. Wickens describes the use of the G-box for navigating.

Bush Pilot

Bush Pilot

Mr. Wickens talks about an experience he had with a bush pilot during a stormy day of training.

Dog Fight with Another Spitfire!

Dog Fight with Another Spitfire!

Mr. Fox describes his only real dogfight

Amazing Military History

Amazing Military History

Mr. Fox puts Canada’s 20th century military history into context, and discusses the reluctance of Veterans to speak about their experiences.

Fair Game

Fair Game

Mr. Fox describes attacking targets of opportunity and explains that anything that moved was fair game.

Strafing Rommel

Strafing Rommel

Mr. Fox describes his strafing attack on German Field Marshall Rommel’s staff car.

Yales, Harvards and Ansons

Yales, Harvards and Ansons

Mr. Fox discusses Yales, Harvards and honing ones piloting skills.

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