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329 results returned within occupation Pilot
Attacking submarines

Attacking submarines

Mr. Moore describes how low he would fly on a surface attack on a submarine and how depth charges and acoustic and magnetic homing torpedos were used.

Two U-boats sank on same sortie

Two U-boats sank on same sortie

Mr. Moore tells how he and his crew detected and sank two U-boats in 22 minutes. He also talks about how some of his flying techniques may have helped them (when three other crews were lost).

Convoy escort duties

Convoy escort duties

Mr. Moore talks about how sturdy the plane was, and the evolving role of the Liberator, from long range to shorter convoy escort duties.

The crew of the Liberator

The crew of the Liberator

Mr. Moore talks about the Liberator and the crew assignments for her. He also talks about why the Liberator was used in addition to the other well-known RAF aircraft (Halifax's, Sunderlands, Lancasters).

Air Training and Liberators

Air Training and Liberators

Mr. Moore talks about his training and how he ended up flying Liberators for 61 missions.

Rogue Flying Fortress

Rogue Flying Fortress

Mr. Black recalls almost being shot down by a rogue Flying Fortress, while returning from a successful bombing run.

Flying Boat - Precarious Nose Gun Setup

Flying Boat - Precarious Nose Gun Setup

Mr. Black recalls how difficult it was for the nose gunner to set up his weapon in the Flying Boat, while the plane was airborne.

Flight Training

Flight Training

Mr. Spear recalls his flight training in Windsor Mills, Quebec, (near Sherbrooke) and Dunnville, Ontario, (near Lake Erie) ending with him earning his wings.

Reflections - Past and Present

Reflections - Past and Present

Mr. James reflects on community events and past service.

Bombing and the Fear Within Us

Bombing and the Fear Within Us

Mr. James talks about the emotional impact of a bombing run on him and his crew.

Love of Air Plane and Crew

Love of Air Plane and Crew

Mr. James describes what it’s like to command an aircraft, and the special bond among the crew.

Danger in the Clouds

Danger in the Clouds

Mr. James discusses the impact of unexpected weather on his aircraft.

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