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17 results returned
Shortsightedness Was No Obstacle!

Shortsightedness Was No Obstacle!

Mr. Burton discusses he and his friends' decision to enlist. He's found to be shortsighted, but the examining officer retests him after making him wait beside the vision chart for a half hour. He passes the retest!

Voyage Overseas

Voyage Overseas

Mr. Burton describes sailing from Halifax in a convoy of troop ships. He describes the evasive tactics used to minimize U-boat attacks, and finishes by describing being met by British destroyers who escort them to Liverpool.

Burial At Sea

Burial At Sea

Mr. Burton discusses being asked to share the responsibility for communications with the convoy's lead cruiser. His first official wartime duty is to alert the convoy of a planned five minute stop to conduct a burial at sea.

Feeding The Troops was Big Business

Feeding The Troops was Big Business

Mr. Burton describes the precision with which rations were given out to the troops.

Gotha Bomber

Gotha Bomber

Mr. Burton describes the Germans' use of the Gotha bomber to harass allied rest camps at night. He describes coning a Gotha and watching it release its bomb, which, fortunately, was a dud.

German Long Range Shelling

German Long Range Shelling

Mr. Burton describes the Germans' use of long-range naval guns to shell the storage yards at St. Pol. He describes the predictable timing of the bombardments and the unpredictability of the bomb fragments.

An Angry Horse

An Angry Horse

Mr. Burton discusses being given a horse with three former riders' broken noses to its credit. He's told the secret of mounting the obstinate horse, and finds it to be a very good mount once he's safely in the saddle.

The Pony Express

The Pony Express

Mr. Burton describes his responsibilities as a mounted courier near Courcelette. Despite the long distances he rode in the performance of this duty, it was the most enjoyable time he spent in action.

A Dangerous Moonlit Ride

A Dangerous Moonlit Ride

Mr. Burton describes a nocturnal courier mission during which he is followed and strafed by a Gotha bomber. The bomber follows him to his destination, dropping its bomb and as he seeks shelter in a basement, he's surprised to find his horse following him. The ride home is no less eventful, as he's shelled by the Germans.

Strategy and Success at Amiens

Strategy and Success at Amiens

Mr. Burton describes the use of extra radio traffic at Ypres to divert the Germans while the Canadians moved south to prepare for the Battle of Amiens. He discusses the unprecedented territorial success of this surprise attack, as well as the taking of forty thousand German prisoners by the allied forces.

Rat extermination

Rat extermination

Mr. Burton discusses the presence of rats in his bunker, and using abandoned German cordite to blow the vermin out of their tunnels.

New Electronic Surveillance

New Electronic Surveillance

Mr. Burton describes the use of a new British device which could intercept German radio traffic in the front lines.

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