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3030 results returned within war Second World War
The Field Artillery Unit

The Field Artillery Unit

Mr. Baggs describes the training and abilities of a gun crew.

The Germans Surrender in North Africa

The Germans Surrender in North Africa

Mr. Baggs describes the "beaten army" surrendering in North Africa (Tunisia).

Enlisting with the Royal Air Force

Enlisting with the Royal Air Force

Mr. Baggs describes where he grew up and about enlisting with the Forces and his father's reaction.

War Memories

War Memories

Mr. Mullin talks about his most vivid memories from the war. These included his second time jumping from an airplane and delivering a baby.

Revenge on the Corporal

Revenge on the Corporal

Mr. Mullin earns his extra stripes, and gets his revenge on a British corporal who treated him like a colonial. He then goes off with an advance party to the Ardennes salient.

The Longest Day

The Longest Day

Mr. Gorsline talks about their return to Southampton with casualties.

Minesweeper Sinks

Minesweeper Sinks

Mr. Gorsline talks about how he watched a minesweeper sink on his return trip to Southampton.

Ship Receives Casualties.

Ship Receives Casualties.

Mr. Gorsline talks about the ship receiving casualties from the D-Day landings.

Getting the Troops Ashore

Getting the Troops Ashore

Mr. Gorsline talks about the D-Day landing.

One landing craft survives

One landing craft survives

Mr. Gorsline talks about D-Day

Going into action on D-Day

Going into action on D-Day

Mr. Gorsline talks about the night-crossing to Normandy.

Preparing for D-Day (Part 2)

Preparing for D-Day (Part 2)

Mr. Gorsline talks about the time leading-up to D-Day.

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