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3030 results returned within war Second World War
American Flying Instructor

American Flying Instructor

Mr. Fox discusses the role of American pilots in the Royal Canadian Air Force

The Spitfire

The Spitfire

Mr. Fox discusses the landing technique, manoeuvrability, and armaments of the Spitfire fighter.

Partial Props

Partial Props

Mr. Fox describes routine patrols and having to prove his ability with unusual results.

The Beast You Had To Get In

The Beast You Had To Get In

Mr. Fox describes the Link Trainer, a device used to test a recruit’s suitability for pilot training.

Only Thinking of Himself

Only Thinking of Himself

Mr. Fawcett reflects on betrayal and being unable to forgive his Mid-Upper Gunner.

More Slop Than Food

More Slop Than Food

Mr. Fawcett discusses life in a POW camp and the emotional toll it took on the prisoners

Friendly Fire

Friendly Fire

Mr. Fawcett describes a forced march between two POW camps and being strafed by friendly aircraft.

A Dangerous Game

A Dangerous Game

Mr. Fawcett discusses the odds of successfully escaping from a POW camp.

Taken POW

Taken POW

Mr. Fawcett describes his capture and giving his chocolate ration to two children accompanying his captor.

He was supposed to come back and help me out.

He was supposed to come back and help me out.

Mr. Fawcett describes escaping from his disabled bomber despite the failure of the Mid-Upper Gunner to help him, and how he is haunted by the deaths of two crew mates.

Our 13th Op.

Our 13th Op.

Mr. Fawcett describes losing their Halifax bomber on a mission to Skoda, Czechoslovakia.

Joining the Air Force

Joining the Air Force

Mr. Fawcett explains why he chose the air force.

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