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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Lucky Break

Lucky Break

Mr. Quick talks about a time that he was lucky to escape death. He goes on to talk about another photographer who wasn’t so lucky.

Drawing Rations

Drawing Rations

Mr. Quick describes the makeup of the Film and Photo Unit and negotiating to improve his crew’s working environment.

Train Ride Picking up Recruits

Train Ride Picking up Recruits

Mr. Young speaks about his journey from Prince Albert to Saskatoon, picking up recruits along the way and how they all ended up joining the same reconnaissance regiment better known as the suicide regiment.

Issuing Weapons

Issuing Weapons

Mr. Quick goes to get his weapon and they try to give him a rifle. He refuses to take it and explains why.

You’re Nuts!

You’re Nuts!

Mr. Quick describes strategies he used to film events in the battlefield. He also talks about how some of the infantry thought he was nuts for doing what he was doing.

Two Ships Were Hit

Two Ships Were Hit

Mr. Quick describes going to Italy in a convoy, being dive bombed, and seeing his first dead soldiers near their camp in Campobasso.

Learning to Protect Yourself

Learning to Protect Yourself

Mr. Quick talks about joining the Film and Photo Unit and some of the training he got from the British Army Film and Photo Unit.

Dog Fight with Another Spitfire!

Dog Fight with Another Spitfire!

Mr. Fox describes his only real dogfight

Amazing Military History

Amazing Military History

Mr. Fox puts Canada’s 20th century military history into context, and discusses the reluctance of Veterans to speak about their experiences.

Fair Game

Fair Game

Mr. Fox describes attacking targets of opportunity and explains that anything that moved was fair game.

Strafing Rommel

Strafing Rommel

Mr. Fox describes his strafing attack on German Field Marshall Rommel’s staff car.

Yales, Harvards and Ansons

Yales, Harvards and Ansons

Mr. Fox discusses Yales, Harvards and honing ones piloting skills.

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