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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Caught By A Night Fighter

Caught By A Night Fighter

Mr. Wickens describes a nearly tragic bombing run over Germany’s V2 rocket sites

Bombing Hamburg - A Sickening Feeling

Bombing Hamburg - A Sickening Feeling

Mr. Wickens describes being ordered to bomb civilian targets in Hamburg, Germany, and the disgust of the crew at having to carry out the order

A Sitting Duck

A Sitting Duck

When the Germans “coned you” you were a sitting duck. Mr. Wickens explains why.

Scared To Death

Scared To Death

Mr. Wickens describes the stress of taking off in a bomber fully loaded with bombs.

Risky Practises

Risky Practises

Mr. Wickens describes the “conversion” unit for training bomber pilots, and the risks faced by the aircrews.

Crew Friendly Aircraft

Crew Friendly Aircraft

Mr. Wickens describes the ergonomics of Halifax bombers and the working positions of her crew.

G-Box Navigation

G-Box Navigation

Mr. Wickens describes the use of the G-box for navigating.

Uncomfortable Voyage

Uncomfortable Voyage

The trip overseas took 14 days. Mr. Wickens talks about the trip and a tactic used by the captain of the ship he was on to get there safely.

Bush Pilot

Bush Pilot

Mr. Wickens talks about an experience he had with a bush pilot during a stormy day of training.

One of the Funniest Things

One of the Funniest Things

Mr. Quick tells an amusing story about bartering for eggs with local Italian farmers.

Ilio’s Story

Ilio’s Story

Mr. Quick describes the adoption of a starving young Italian boy, Ilio, and having him with them for the duration of the Italian Campaign.

No Fraternization

No Fraternization

Mr. Quick describes getting in trouble for a kind-hearted gesture, but being vindicated by his commanding officer.

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