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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Different Aircraft and Tough Navigating

Different Aircraft and Tough Navigating

Mr. Wilson discusses his surprise at being selected for fighter pilot training, and goes on to describe training on the Miles Master and Hurricanes. He describes the challenge of navigating in industrial cloud cover.

An Unusual Welcome to England

An Unusual Welcome to England

Mr. Wilson describes arriving in Scotland, traveling by train to Bournemouth and being welcomed there by a German dive bomber.

Tiger Moths and Harvards

Tiger Moths and Harvards

Mr. Wilson compares the experience of training in a single-engine Tiger Moth and the much more powerful twin-engine Harvard.

Canada is Sacred

Canada is Sacred

Mr. Walsh offers some thoughts on why he was proud to serve.

War isn’t for Older People

War isn’t for Older People

Mr. Walsh describes the demoralization factor he attributes to older married soldiers constantly reminiscing about their families.

Just a Soldier Like Me

Just a Soldier Like Me

While in occupied Germany, and in command of a work detail, Mr. Walsh befriends a badly wounded German soldier. Their conversations reveal how similar they really are.

A Low-key Celebration on VE-Day

A Low-key Celebration on VE-Day

Mr. Walsh discusses his company’s low-key reaction to news that the war was over, and describes an amusingly disappointing attempt at celebration.

An Unfair Repatriation System

An Unfair Repatriation System

Mr. Walsh discusses his disappointment with what he saw as an unfair repatriation policy which meant he was left behind when his unit returned to Canada.

Dwindling Manpower and Resources

Dwindling Manpower and Resources

Mr. Walsh describes how attrition had caused critical shortages of both men and supplies by the time the Canadian army faced the Germans in Holland.

Walcheren Island - a Tough Objective

Walcheren Island - a Tough Objective

Mr. Walsh discusses the dangerous and time consuming strategy of leapfrogging along the dyked approaches to the German stronghold on Walcheren Island. He describes an alternative strategy, amphibious assault, which eventually succeeds. Finally, he expresses admiration for the impregnability of the German battlements on the island.

Two More Wounds

Two More Wounds

Mr. Walsh describes two more wounds he sustained, one in Holland and the other in Germany, and in both cases waiving medical attention to get back into action.

They Put My Nose Back Together

They Put My Nose Back Together

Mr. Walsh describes his first wounding, his recuperation, and the importance of rejoining his old unit.

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