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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Marksmanship and Rifle Training

Marksmanship and Rifle Training

Mr. MacLeod discusses the difference between a good and expert marksman, and describes a particularly difficult training drill using a bolt-action rifle.

Body Armour

Body Armour

Mr. MacLeod describes using body armour and feeling more secure because of it.

“Losing it” and Self-inflicted Wounds

“Losing it” and Self-inflicted Wounds

Mr. MacLeod describes reactions to battle stress such as what the troops called “losing it” and causing self-inflicted wounds which would necessitate hospitalization and avoid combat.

An Accident at Caen

An Accident at Caen

Mr. MacLeod describes being wounded while disposing of a German grenade, and after two weeks medical leave returning to his platoon and only finding one original member left.

D-Eay +30

D-Eay +30

Mr. MacLeod describes the ease of landing in Normandy thirty days after the invasion, and not seeing any substantial consequences of war until he reached Carpiquet Airport.

Buzz Bombs and Panic

Buzz Bombs and Panic

Mr. MacLeod describes buzz bombs and the RAF's attempts to shoot them down. He also describes his terror at being immobilized in a hospital after being wounded, and hearing a buzz bomb stop over his hospital.

Joining the Queen's Own Camerons

Joining the Queen's Own Camerons

Mr. MacLeod describes joining the army instead of the air force because they would correct a hernia from which he was suffering. He discusses his training pathway, and joining the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders upon his arrival in England.

Proud of his Service

Proud of his Service

Mr. Clavel reminisces about lost comrades and his own good fortune during the war, and with great emotion how proud he was to serve Canada.



Mr. Clavel describes being selected for the first return draft to Canada because of his long service.

Close Calls in Italy

Close Calls in Italy

Mr. Clavel describes the mutilation a land mine can cause, and his good fortune of a shell landing close to him and not exploding.

Medical Supplies to Ortona

Medical Supplies to Ortona

Mr. Clavel describes coming under attack from German mortars as he attempts to find and deliver medical supplies to the Royal 22nd Regiment's advance position at Ortona

Luck of the Draw – Fighting Patrols

Luck of the Draw – Fighting Patrols

Mr. Clavel describes going on a fighting patrol across the Sangro River in order to assess the German strength and seeing nothing. Held back because of an infection, he's unable to join another patrol from which only two of the original sixteen men return.

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