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4752 results returned
A Bit About the Locals

A Bit About the Locals

Mr. Diamond talks about the relationships they had with the locals and some of the differences between the cultures.

We were Peacekeepers

We were Peacekeepers

Mr. Diamond talks about being a peacekeeper and some of the situations which occurred while he was in the Congo.

Signals Unit

Signals Unit

Mr. Diamond Explains his responsibilities in the Congo.

Rough Seas and Loose Cargo

Rough Seas and Loose Cargo

Mr. MacDonell describes a very long voyage in rough seas, and losing a deck load of barrels which broke loose.

Structure in the Military

Structure in the Military

Mr. Slusar speaks about the respect he had for the structure of the military.

Close Calls

Close Calls

Mr. Slusar describes some of the close calls experienced and witnessing the sight of gun fire coming towards their camp.

Culture Shock

Culture Shock

Mr. Slusar speaks about the culture shock he felt when trying to understand the customs of the local people in a city with very different surroundings.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Mr. Kerry discusses his renewed involvement in Remembrance Day and how impressed and gratified he is to see, in the past few years, the public’s interest rekindled as well.

Democracy: Safety Versus Danger

Democracy: Safety Versus Danger

Mr. Kerry discusses his crew’s decision to fly a bomber after a motor quits and additional motors quitting on their bombing run.

Danger on a Daylight Bombing Mission

Danger on a Daylight Bombing Mission

Mr. Kerry describes his sense of security and danger while in close formation flying, and a close call at the hands of an overhead bomber.

Halifax Bomber Rear Turret

Halifax Bomber Rear Turret

Mr. Kerry compares the rear turrets of the Halifax and Lancaster bombers and discusses the sense of responsibility he felt for the security of the crew.

An Officer? Get a Haircut!!

An Officer? Get a Haircut!!

Mr. Kerry discusses being urged to accept a flying commission, and being strongly told to get his hair cut beforehand.

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